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Приймальна комісія +38 (073) 432 54 33 vstup@ugi.edu.ua


In relation to Journalistic Genres, I think don’t be required a school subject in Journalism of News Agencies. It was embedded in the genres studies: informative, interpretative, opinion, diversional or entertainment, and others, such as analytical, emotional, literary (report-book). Investigative Journalism is redundant, because the journalism always investigates. I advise Data Journalism, how to work, to file, to interpret, to select the publishable informations (gatekeeper function), and it’s already in the curriculum. The undergraduate project it’s ok, very complete. In the course menu of Public Relations or Corporate Communication (Communication Advisory) is important to insert “crisis management”. Always is good to be sure if the course has university professors for school subjects. The professors can be trained inside of the institution itself, by colleagues themselves, painless for UGI. The program update all faculty, avoiding problems with the curriculum.