This year, the traditional event will be dedicated to raising funds to rebuild the home of UGI alumnus Oleksandr Muzychenko. A family of nine was left outdoors because their house was damaged in a fire. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save the building, so it needs to be restored. Currently, the remains of the fire-damaged structures have been dismantled and the new foundation is being poured. However, there is still a long way to go.

The concert will feature the Institute’s musical groups, and will be followed by a charity fair where you will be able to buy homemade pastries, sweets and other goodies. All the funds raised will also go to Oleksandr.
The concert “Colors of Autumn” will take place on October 19 at 17:00 in the Institute’s assembly hall.
If you are unable to attend the concert, but would like to contribute to the collection, you can do so via the links below.
PayPal: r.makarchuk@ugi.edu.ua (with a note: for Oleksandr)