
Certified program – Rehabilitation and massage

Specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”

Educational program “Physical Rehabilitation and Massage”


Physical rehabilitation and professional massage improve the quality of treatment, accelerate the recovery of organs and systems, restore efficiency, help the patient to develop self-care skills, in cases of disability to adapt to the most active life in new conditions due to illness or injury, as well as to fuller integration into all spheres of its activity. A set of rehabilitation and massage-preventive measures, in one form or another, begin to be carried out from the first day of the patient’s stay in the hospital. They are carried out according to individual programs during treatment in the hospital and continue after discharge: in the rehabilitation center, specialized sanatorium, clinic, etc.


The most effective rehabilitation measures and professional massages are used in specialized rehabilitation centers (orthopedic, neurological, vascular and others), under the supervision and supervision of doctors of specialties, physical rehabilitation specialists, physiotherapists, psychologists, speech therapists, teachers, sociologists and more. In such centers, patients are transferred from inpatient treatment to complete treatment and achieve rehabilitation within the existing disease.


Physical rehabilitation and professional massage can be performed by the following means: therapeutic physical culture, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy and non-traditional means of recovery. The purpose of physical rehabilitation, the sequence of application of its forms and methods is determined by the nature of the disease and the general condition of the patient, the periods and stages of rehabilitation, motor modes.


Curricula for full mastery of the qualification of a specialist in physical rehabilitation and massage provide a wide range of humanities, natural and special disciplines, namely the study of:

  1. Human anatomy;
  2. Human physiology;
  3. History of medical knowledge development;
  4. Fundamentals of physical and psychological rehabilitation;
  5. Massage (more than 15 types and styles);
  6. Theory and technologies of health and recreational motor activity;
  7. General theory of health;
  8. Kinesiology;
  9. Vertibrology;
  10. Therapeutic physical culture;
  11. Fundamentals of medical knowledge;
  12. Fundamentals of pharmacology and phytotherapy;
  13. Fundamentals of dermatology;
  14. Psychology for rehabilitation specialists and masseurs;
  15. Psychotherapy;
  16. Child psychology;
  17. Nutrition and basics of health nutrition;
  18. Organization of rehabilitation institutions.
  19. Hygiene.

Students master the theory and methods of rehabilitation technologies for people with various diseases:

Physical rehabilitation for diseases of internal organs;
Physical rehabilitation for diseases of the nervous system;
Physical rehabilitation for injuries and injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
Physical rehabilitation for surgical diseases, etc.


Much attention is paid to the practical training of students. The department regularly holds workshops on various areas of physical rehabilitation, such as:

Therapeutic physical therapy;
Scandinavian march;
Classical massage techniques;
Rehabilitation massage.
Fire massage;
Hot towel massage;
Honey, anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage techniques.


in specialized preschool institutions for children with disabilities and children with disabilities, special boarding schools and general preschool and school educational institutions, educational programs for adults;
in rehabilitation, educational-rehabilitation, medical-rehabilitation centers of various departmental subordination;
in hospitals, dispensaries, polyclinics and other medical and sanatorium establishments;
teachers of correctional gymnastics, valeology, teachers of physical education in educational institutions;

The specialty is taught by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in the field of rehabilitation of patients of different nosologies, athletes, people of different ages. Doctors and candidates of medical, pedagogical sciences, practices with special education.


Foreigners who speak Russian or Ukrainian can study at the Rehabilitation and Massage specialty without any age restrictions. To enter you need: copies of: passport, identification code, 4 photos of 3 by 4, copies of documents on recent education.

The term of study at the certified program “Rehabilitation and Massage” is 2 years.

The cost of one session is UAH 2,500, the number of sessions per year is two for 12 days, only 4 sessions in two years. The cost of training is UAH 10,000. for two years.

The territory of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute is equipped with all necessary technical and material means, incl. there is a dining room and a dormitory for students.

In accordance with academic performance, students after two years of study in the program “Rehabilitation and Massage” can continue their studies at the bachelor’s level.