Admissions +38 (073) 432 54 33
Secretary of the Rector +38 (097) 818 13 37


Student self-government

The goal of student self-government is to create conditions for self-realization of the personality of Students and the formation of their organizational skills, leadership qualities, responsibility for the result of their work, etc.

The activities of student self-government bodies are aimed at improving the educational process, improving its quality, ensuring the upbringing of the spirituality and culture of Students, increasing student youth’s social activity.

The main tasks of student government are:

  • ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of students, in particular regarding the organization of the educational process;
  • ensuring that students fulfill their duties;
  • assistance in creating appropriate conditions for students’ living and recreation;
  • assistance to educational, scientific and creative activities of students;
  • assistance to the activities of student circles, communities, associations, interest clubs;
  • organization of cooperation with students of other institutions of higher education and youth organizations;
  • assistance in the employment of graduates;
  • participation in solving issues of international student exchange.

The following ministries operate under the executive body of student self-government:


  • organization and holding of evenings and other public institutions;
  • organization of visits to museums, theaters, exhibitions;
  • organizing meetings with interesting people, artists, writers, veterans, etc.
  • creation of conditions for students’ recreation in hostels.

Educational process:

  • provision and protection of the rights and interests of students in the educational process;
  • ensuring the preparation of a timetable for students;
  • provision of appropriate conditions for education;
  • organization of consultations and their visits;
  • direct influence on the educational process.


  • Creation of scientific communities;
  • holding scientific conferences


  • organizing competitions of wall newspapers;
  • Organization and publication of a students’ newspaper;
  • Organization of interaction with correspondents of newspapers, radio, television, etc.
  • Conducting sociological research among students;
  • informing about events, meetings and competitions.


  • organization of the work of sports sections;
  • assistance to teachers in organizing sports competitions, games, etc.;
  • organization of the Health Day, Olympics, etc.

On social issues

  • carrying out social projects in schools, orphanages, boarding schools;
  • assistance in carrying out social events of local authorities;
  • Conducting social programs for students.

Spiritual education:

  • organization of the morning service on the day of the student council;
  • spiritual guidance to students;
  • cooperation with the church organization.

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