Different students study at the Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Science: some study a lot, some are engaged in various projects, others work. Let’s take a closer look.
The ambitious are those who believe that the UIAS is not the limit, and therefore take part in many projects: donate blood, go to shelters, sing in the choir, and feed the homeless. Charity is their life credo. And here they are, and there they are, and generally everywhere.
Erudite – this student has an above-average intelligence, learning is easy for him; he likes to study, and he is not lazy to do it. He can pose tricky questions that are riping in his head; they will drive any teacher into a corner. This student is the reason why your self-esteem can break through the ceiling of moles at the speed of light.
In the footsteps of father/mother – the type of students who entered (here the name of the specialty), because mom / dad studied the same way.
Father’s / mother’s pride – students who entered the specialty only because parents want their child to become a cool professional in their field, despite the fact that the child has dreamed all his life of swinging a hammer in court and shouting: “The decision has been made” (UIAS has no law school, fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t know) or dance lezginka (there is no dance club either, because the world would have to contemplate new Tik-Tok bloggers).
Chronic latecomers are students who are always late for classes, for exams, and completely ignore all deadlines. Their motto for life: “If you sell the cow, you sell her milk”.
Working students also do not have time to do anything, their deadlines are on all the time, and at the end of the semester they bow and repent in front of the teachers with the words: “Forgive me, I`m a sinful worker, unlucky student, I don’t have time, I`m snowed under with work, brass hats are an albatross around my neck”and so on.
Spy, informant – a student who knows everything about everyone. He carefully monitors and observes what is happening, reads the behavior of people, has different information about different people, but no one knows or notices. The author of the text is just the same…
@pidsluhano_ugi is an anonymous student, who opened Insta account and posts anonymous questions, wishes and declarations of love from students with F3 there.
I hope you recognized yourself, your friends, saw what type you belong to. The author did not intend to offend anyone.