Tereshchenko Larysa Oleksandrivna
Position: Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, Finance and Management
Scientific degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic title: Professor
In 1970 she graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy. D.S. Korotchenko specializes in “Economic Cybernetics”. Has extensive practical and scientific and pedagogical experience (from software engineer to professor).
In 2001 she defended her dissertation on the topic: “Modeling and forecasting of tax revenues at the regional level.”
In 2002 he was awarded the title of associate professor.
In 2008 he was awarded the title of professor.
Supervises the work of graduate students.
Has the honorary title:
“Honored Worker of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”.
He is the author of 5 educational programs for bachelor’s and master’s levels.
Teaches disciplines:
“Design of information processing systems”;
“Information systems and technologies in economics”;
“Information systems and technologies in foreign economic activity”;
“Information systems and technologies in financial institutions”,
“Information systems and technologies in management”
“Management information systems”;
“Creating your own IT business”;
Has certificates and certificates of leading developers of information systems, namely:
certificate of Intellect Service Corporation;
certificate of the corporation “Galaxy”;
certificate of the corporation “1C:”;
Certificate “Computer Audit” CJSC “Dovgoprudny Research Center”;
certificate “Turbo Accounting 6.9.” CJSC “Dovgoprudny Research Center”;
Hakers Dising Certificate;
Publications: Has 159 publications, of which 139 – scientific and 20 – educational and methodological, including ten individual and collective works (stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 5 monographs:
1. Tereshchenko LO Automation of work in the state tax service. Training manual – Irpin: Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, 2002. – 401 p.
2. Management. Development of the tax organization .: Educational and methodical manual / Edited by Nakaya AI – Irpin: Academy of the State Traffic Police of Ukraine. 12001. -WITH. 40-51.
3. Tereshchenko LO, Matienko-Zubenko II Information systems and technologies in accounting: Textbook. way. – К .: КНЕУ, 2004. – 187 с.
4. Tereshchenko LO, Matienko-Zubenko II, Bogoslavets OI Information systems and technologies in accounting: Teaching method. way. for self. studied discipline. – К .: КНЕУ, 2004.
– 288 p.
5. Tereshchenko LO, Matienko-Zubenko II Information systems and technologies in accounting: Textbook. – К .: КНЕУ, 2008. – 592с.
6. Tereshchenko LO, Glushko SV, Shaikan AV Management information systems: Textbook. – К .: КНЕУ, 2008. – 488 с.
7. Tereshchenko LO, Kudrytsky BV Computer audit: teaching method. way. for self. studied dist. / – К .: КНЕУ, 2011. – 226, (6) с.
8. Tereshchenko LO L.I. Ivanov. Textbook “Information systems and technologies in accounting: laboratory workshop (” 1C: Accounting 8.2. “,” MEDoc “) ―K .: KNEU, 2014 ―p.
9. Tereshchenko LO Training. Part 3. “Information systems and technologies in accounting” GK: KNEU, 2014.
10. Tereshchenko LO Monograph. Financial and economic activity of food industry enterprises in the context of global informatization / Ed. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Prof. L.M. Chernelevsky. ―K .: NUHT, 2013. ―215 p. (- P. 151-166).
11. Tereshchenko LO Monograph. The financial sector in the development of the economic region – the problem of the direction of change. czesc 2 / redakcja naukowa Tadeusz Kaminski, Olga Charucka. Information systems and technologies in the system of accounting and analytical support of enterprise management. – Warszawa, 2013. – 456 p. (—S. 387-397).
12. Tereshchenko LO Monograph. Improving accounting, analysis and auditing in the context of globalization of the world economy / Ed. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Prof. L.M. Chernelevsky. ―K .: NUHT, 2013. ―215 p. (- P. 52-63).
13. Tereshchenko LO Monograph. “Improvement of accounting and analytical work and its impact on the economic integration of the country”: / Ed. L.M. Chernelevsky. – К .: НУХТ, 2018. – 211 с. (—S. 192-211).
14. Tereshchenko LO Management information systems in applied software solutions // Chernelevsky LM, Tereshchenko LO, Chernyavskaya OE // textbook way. – К.: НУХТ, 2018. – 335 с.
15. Tereshchenko LO Accounting, analysis and audit in applied software solutions: laboratory workshop -Kyiv: Millennium Publishing House, 2019. -180 s.