Register on the website
Enter the following data:
e-mail address
to which you should have access. You will receive a letter to this address to activate access to the system. The specified address will be your LOGIN for entering the electronic cabinet in the future;
series and number of the document on education
(certificate of complete secondary education);
average score of the certificate
number, pin code
and year EIT certificate. Year of receipt – select the year of receipt of the EIT certificate from the drop-down list (2017, 2018, 2019 or 2020). If you have several EIT certificates, you should use one of them, and the data of the other certificates should be added in the applicant’s personal electronic account after registration in the system.
*The average grade point average of the certificate is calculated by the applicant on a 12-point scale with rounding to the tenth of a point and is calculated as the arithmetic mean of ALL the grades indicated in the appendix to the certificate (invariant part, variable part, state final certification). Subjects with a “withdrawn” record are not included in the total number (we recommend using the grade point average calculator to calculate your grade point average)
Completion of registration. As a confirmation of the specified data, your account will be created in the EDEBO, the login and password of which will be yours to access the applicant’s personal electronic cabinet. If the registration is successful, you will receive a notification on the screen. An email will be sent to the email address you provided to ACTIVATE the applicant’s electronic cabinet (do not destroy this email!). Follow the recommendations in the letter. This will allow you to activate your electronic cabinet and log in for the first time.
Enter data about yourself into the Unified Database: gender, place of residence, phone number (mobile number is acceptable), grade point average (
please note that it cannot be corrected after submitting the first application)
, higher education institution with an indication of the specialty. A prerequisite is to upload a scanned copy of the certificate supplement and a 3*4 color photo to be submitted by the applicant to the university! The files of the certificate supplement and color photo are uploaded in JPG (JPEG, PNG) format, the maximum file size is 1 MB.
A list of statuses that an applicant can see in their personal account:
“Registered in the Unified Database”
– electronic registration was successful.
“Needs to be clarified by the applicant”
– the university accepted the application, but indicated the data that needs to be clarified and how.
“Registered in a higher education institution”
– the university has registered you, started a personal file, assigned a personal number, i.e. EVERYTHING IS OK.
“Admitted to the competition”
– everything is clear, now we just have to wait.
“Rejected by the higher education institution”
– not allowed to participate in the competition (the reason for the refusal must also be indicated)
“Canceled by the applicant (or higher education institution)”
– the application has been canceled.
“Recommended for enrollment”
– comments are unnecessary! We wish everyone to see this status – let’s go and bring the originals of all documents to the university!
“Excluded from the recommended list”
– is an unfortunate status, but it also exists: the university does not accept the applicant, giving the reason for the refusal.
“Included in the order”
– That’s it, you’re a student!
All applicants can submit an electronic application, but! if they do not have grounds for special conditions for participation in the competition and enrollment, as defined by the Terms of Admission and university admission rules (please ask each specific educational institution about this).
Dear applicants! We would like to inform you about the possibility of registering in the electronic office of the applicant, submitting an application online directly to the Admissions Committee of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute, whose competent staff will assist you in this.