

Know yourself to help others

Field of knowledge: 05 “Social and behavioral sciences”

Educational program: 053 “Psychology”

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in psychology

  1. independence of action
  2. creative approach to any business
  3. willingness to constantly update knowledge
  4. flexibility of mind
  5. readiness for systemic and economic thinking
  6. ability to conduct a dialog
  7. ability to cooperate in a team

KI-1. Integral competence. The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of psychology, which involves the application of psychological theories and methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

General competencies (GC):
Q1. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
GC2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activities.
GC3. Skills in the use of information and communication technologies.
GC4. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
GC5. Ability to be critical and self-critical.
Q6. Ability to make informed decisions.
Q7. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
Q8. Interpersonal skills,
GC9 Ability to work in a team.
ZK10. The ability to exercise one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine;
Q11. The ability to preserve and enhance moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, to use various types and forms of physical activity for active recreation and healthy lifestyle.
GC12 Ability to act in professional activities and interpersonal relationships on the basis of Christian values, realizing responsibility to God and society.

Special (professional, subject) competencies:
SC1. Ability to operate with the categorical and conceptual apparatus of psychology;
SC2. Ability to retrospectively analyze domestic and foreign experience in understanding the nature of the emergence, functioning and development of mental phenomena;
SC3. Ability to understand the nature of behavior, activities and actions;
SC4. Ability to independently collect and critically process, analyze and summarize psychological information from various sources;
SC5. Ability to use valid and reliable psychodiagnostic tools; SC6. Ability to plan, organize and conduct psychological research independently;
SC7. Ability to analyze and systematize the results obtained, formulate reasoned conclusions and recommendations;
SC8. Ability to organize and provide psychological assistance (individual and group);
SC9. Ability to carry out educational and psycho-preventive activities as requested;
SK11. Ability to comply with professional ethics;
SK12. Ability to personal and professional self-improvement, learning and self-development.

Psychology is one of those sciences that can rightfully be called universal and eternal. Human civilization is rapidly moving forward, inventing new mechanisms, making global discoveries that make us look at the world and its structure from a completely unexpected angle. But even in the modern world, man remains the greatest mystery, the alpha and omega, the beginning and end of everything. Employability Graduates can work in centers of practical psychology and social work, shelters for minors, employment centers, centers of social services for youth, public organizations, schools and preschools. Professional title of the job: Psychologist


Discussion of the project Educational program

The specificity of the profession allows each of the faculty’s graduates to find their own, most convenient niche within the modern labor market. The format of individual psychological or psychotherapeutic counseling allows you to work on a free and flexible schedule, having gathered a wide client base. It is also possible to find a permanent job in a medical institution, educational institution or commercial organization with all its benefits – a stable, regularized schedule, social protection, consistent career growth within the same structure. You can achieve success and self-realization by starting a career as a psychologist, practical psychologist, psychotherapist, family psychologist, or a teacher of specialized subjects in a higher education institution. You can also choose a specific area of psychology and, after completing a short course of study at a reputable institution, become a specialist in classical psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, or body-oriented therapy. These psychological techniques are quite popular nowadays, and having a specialized psychological education will help you work more efficiently and inspire trust among your potential clients. One of the significant advantages of your chosen specialty is that in today’s labor market, the number of areas where employers will be interested in a person with a psychology degree is virtually unlimited.