Every student of the Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Science has already faced selective subjects. Selective disciplines in the educational program must occupy 25% of 100% of all disciplines. That is, a student can form a quarter of all subjects independently in accordance with his/her preferences. So what is it and how to deal with it? Rector of UIAS Lyudmila Shtanko comments.
Recently, a new law on higher education came into force, which states two rights. The first right is autonomy. That means, our educational institution can create a program that will meet the needs of users (namely, students). The second right is a student-centered approach. This means that the institute, as well as the administration, in the learning process will focus on students, namely, on making them specialists in areas that are of interest to students. This gives students the opportunity to choose disciplines that interest them, that they dreamed of, and that would be useful to them.
Benefits of choice
Selected subjects can be divided into four blocks: disciplines of the humanities direction, disciplines of the spiritual direction, disciplines of general specialization and professional disciplines.
The first block of disciplines – general humanitarian – is the opportunity to form general competencies. Success can be achieved not only by being a narrow professional in your field. When a student develops in another area, he will become a truly erudite, intelligent, educated person.
The second block is the disciplines of the spiritual component. They are needed in order to form vital moral values.
The third block is disciplines of broad specialization. These disciplines will help you to study several subjects at the same time. For example, in accordance with the words of the rector: “If you study in cybernetics, but dream of learning to photograph, then you can study several disciplines at the same time, despite the fact that they are very different.”
The fourth block is professional disciplines, that is, professionally oriented disciplines that can also be chosen. But what is their goal? After all, the specialty has already been chosen and there is a certain program. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna answered this question, taking the journalistic educational program as an example: “It is impossible to be a journalist in all spheres. With the help of special disciplines, you will be able to determine the topic. For example, you have always been interested in medicine, but did not become a physician for various objective reasons. There is an exit! You can become a specialist journalist covering medical issues. You will be able to research this topic and become a professional in it, – assures Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, – on the other hand, you will be able to choose which media you will use. For example, do you want to be a radio journalist or do video journalism. “
How to get a grade on the selective subject
Assessment of selected subjects has no difference from other subjects. But there is one peculiarity: not only the student’s independent work and his work in the classroom are assessed, but also his initiative regarding participation in various social projects. “This is a feature of our institution, because we are socially oriented,” says Lyudmila Shtanko. In UIAS, there is the so-called social design – that is, the participation of students in social processes.
“Now our social projects are somewhat limited due to the pandemic. But we got out! We decided that social design will not be mandatory in the assessment system, but will be additional for students to receive certain bonuses. But we hope that soon everything will be normalized and we will be able to further implement our active civic position! ” – says the rector of the UIAS.
Alisa Lomaka