
Graphic design

Your work on all screens of the planet

Field of knowledge: 02 “Culture and art”

Educational program: 022 “Design”

Qualification: bachelor’s degree in design

PR 1. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding of the subject area and field of professional activity in practical situations. PR 2. To communicate fluently in the state and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional issues, to create various types of professional documents in accordance with the requirements of the culture of oral and written speech. PR 3. Collect and analyze information to substantiate a design project, apply design theory and methodology, professional terminology (in the field of study), and the basics of scientific research. PR 4. Define the purpose, tasks, and stages of design. PR 5. Understand and faithfully perform their part of the work in the team; determine the priorities of professional activity. PR 6. To be aware of responsibility for the quality of work performed, to ensure that the task is performed at a high professional level. PR 7. Analyze, stylize, interpret and transform objects to develop artistic and design solutions. PR 8. Evaluate the design object, technological processes in the context of the design task, form an artistic and design concept. PR 9. Create design objects using project and graphic modeling. PR 10. Determine the functional and aesthetic specificity of formative design tools in the communication space. PR 11. Develop compositional solutions for design objects using appropriate techniques and materials. PR 12. Adhere to design standards and manufacturing technologies for design objects in professional activities. PR 13. To know the achievements of national and world cultural and artistic heritage, to develop ecoculture through design. PR 14. Use manifestations of Ukrainian mentality, historical memory, national self-identification and creative expression in professional activities; apply historical creative experience, as well as successful Ukrainian and foreign artistic practices. PR 15. To understand Ukrainian ethno-cultural traditions in the style solutions of design objects, to take into account the regional peculiarities of ethno-design in artistic practices. PR 16. To take into account the properties of materials and structures, to apply the latest technologies in professional activities. PR 17. Apply modern general and specialized software in professional activities (by specialization). PR 18. Display morphological, style and color-texture properties of design objects. PR 19. Develop and present the results of work in a professional environment, understand the stages of success in a professional career, take into account current trends in the labor market, conduct market research, choose an appropriate business model and develop a business plan for professional activities in the field of design.

ZK-1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activities. ZK-2. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing. ZK-3. Ability to communicate in a foreign language. ZK-4. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. ZK-5. Ability to work in a team. ZK-6. Ability to assess and ensure the quality of work performed GC-7. Valuing and respecting diversity and multiculturalism. ZK-8. The ability to exercise one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine. ZK-9. The ability to preserve and enhance cultural, artistic, environmental, moral, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology. ZK-10. The ability to act in professional activities and interpersonal relationships on the basis of Christian values, realizing responsibility to God and society.

Teachers of the department are practicing designers. This allows the student to fully realize themselves: the creation of projects where the idea has no limits and the author’s idea is implemented only speculatively and can reach the largest scale, always correlates with the real possibilities of implementation in the material, in the future – on the object. This approach does not limit the creative, individual component of the design profession, which should almost always correspond to the wishes of the customer, but, on the contrary – helps the student to find their own style, develop and maintain its constant progress, transformation, given current trends in industry and while maintaining a personal vision.

SK-1. Ability to apply modern methods of designing single, complex, multifunctional design objects. SK-2. Ability to carry out shaping, layout and modeling of design objects. SK-3. Ability to compose design objects. SK-4. Ability to apply project graphics skills in professional activities. SK-5. Ability to apply knowledge of the history of Ukrainian and foreign art and design in artistic and project activities. SK-6. Ability to apply special techniques and technologies in design and artistic activities in appropriate materials (by specialization). SK-7. Ability to use modern software to create design objects. SK-8. Ability to implement a color scheme for a future design object. SK-9. The ability to depict environmental objects and human figures by means of plastic anatomy, special drawing and painting (by specialization). SC-10.Ability to apply knowledge of applied sciences in professional activities (by specialization). SK-11. The ability to succeed in a professional career, develop and present visual presentations, a portfolio of own works, and possess entrepreneurial skills for conducting design activities.


Discussion of the project Educational program