

Learning to serve

Field of knowledge: 04 “Theology”

Educational program: 041 “Theology”

Qualifications: Bachelor of Theology

Bachelor’s degree programs are open to: – clergymen and church officials; – graduates of general education schools, theological schools and theological seminaries; – teachers of ethical and moral disciplines of state educational institutions and church Sunday schools; – persons who are unable to receive high-quality educational services in the traditional education system due to professional employment, geographical distance from educational institutions, family circumstances; – persons with special needs and persons with medical restrictions for obtaining education in higher education institutions with traditional Ukrainian-speaking citizens of foreign countries. Distance learning opportunities eliminate the need to attend classroom classes, which opens up the prospects of studying in a mode, method, amount of study load, and place convenient for the student. Distance learning involves independent study of academic disciplines by students with the help of specially developed software that creates all conditions for the full use of a set of modern electronic learning tools, teaching aids, textbooks, author’s developments of lectures and practical classes, special courses with gradual access to the entire educational base of the institute. The possibility of studying according to an individual curriculum is offered. Each student will have the opportunity to create a convenient schedule and timetable for the educational process. High-quality software will facilitate the organization and efficiency of the educational process itself, performing consulting functions in the development of individual curricula, creating compact forms of perception and control of the material learned, recording the level of success, etc. The institute’s distance learning programs are based on the modular principle, with curricula based on individual disciplines. Theoretical material is studied through e-learning courses, textbooks, audio and video lectures. The practical material is mastered through practical classes, discussions and seminars via video conferencing. Upon request, students have the opportunity to fully communicate with teachers and receive the necessary consultations offline and online. The training involves an extensive system of individual lessons between the student and the teacher. Knowledge testing is carried out both remotely and during face-to-face sessions. The examination session is held remotely (tests, interviews via Skype or by the student’s appearance at the educational institution (usually for one day).

Professional competencies

IR. The ability to solve complex specialized problems in the field of theology, namely, to solve complex problems and problems in the field of theology in the process of study and professional activity, which involves the application of theories and methods of theological science, including in the context of Adventist theology.

ZK01. The ability to exercise one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

ZK02. The ability to preserve and enhance spiritual, moral, cultural, educational, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, to use various types and forms of physical activity for active recreation and healthy lifestyle.

ZK03. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing.

ZK04. Ability to communicate in a foreign language (for professional purposes).

ZK05. Ability to think abstractly, analyze and synthesize.

ZK06. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.

ZK07. Ability to use information and communication technologies.

GC08. Ability to work autonomously.

ZK09. Ability to work in a team.

SC01. Ability to analyze texts of Scripture, sacred texts and theological literature using methods of theology and other sciences.

SK02. Ability to identify interactions and interrelationships between theological traditions, to assess the social and cultural role of theology in historical and contemporary contexts.

SC03. Ability to analyze and characterize established and new theological traditions, liturgical and religious legal practices.

SC04. Ability to comprehend current problems in the field of theology and identify ways to solve them.

SC05. The ability to apply theological knowledge in professional activities and social life in accordance with religious, moral and ethical principles and guidelines.

SC06. Ability to initiate and conduct a dialog with representatives of different theological traditions and representatives of society.

SC07. Ability to conduct educational activities in the field of theology.

SC08. Ability to conduct advisory and expert-analytical activities in the field of theology.

SC09. Ability to organize representative and intermediary activities in the field of theology.

SC10. The ability to apply theological knowledge and skills in practical liturgical and non-liturgical activities.


Discussion of the project Educational program

In 1999, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute opened its doors to 30 students on the territory of the former pioneer camp. Young people wanted to study in Adventist educational institutions, even though they were not state-accredited.

Years later, the Institute was certified for training bachelor’s degree holders. The number of students has increased tenfold. And in 2011, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in Ukraine was opened on the territory of the educational institution. The educational complex of the Ukrainian Humanities Institute and the Theological Seminary was named the Ukrainian Adventist Center for Higher Education (UACE). The life of the students of the Ukrainian Adventist Center for Higher Education is filled with various events and ministries. While on campus, young people can realize their opportunities and potential in missionary service, social projects, city events, as well as in singing, art, design, sports – in any field that is interesting to young people. There are Bible study clubs and a literary evangelism club called Blagovisnyk. Of course, the main focus is on the quality of students’ education. Qualified teachers, a large library collection, and free access to the Internet allow students to master a huge flow of modern information, gain the necessary scientific knowledge and practical skills. The company regularly holds scientific and practical conferences, which are open to everyone. The UACVO has opportunities for both active and passive recreation. In early 2012, a new gym was opened, which has no analogues among Ukrainian universities. It hosts football, volleyball and basketball training and competitions, as well as fitness for girls. Every holiday is a bright event on campus. Students organize music concerts, recitals, carnivals, and celebrations in honor of various events. The life of the students of the Ukrainian Association of Catholic Universities is full of variety and rhythm. New ideas and projects for implementation are always born here. Anyone can become a part of this life by entering the Ukrainian Adventist Center for Higher Education!