
Economic Cybernetics

Branch of knowledge:

05 “Social and behavioral sciences”

Educational program:

051 “Economy”


Bachelor of Economic Cybernetics

  • Developer of general and special-purpose application software packages;
  • Specialist in implementing the latest IT technologies;
  • System administrator;
  • Systems analyst;
  • WEB – programmer;
  • WEB – designer;
  • Administrator of management information systems (MIS);
  • Software engineer;
  • Engineer in automated computer systems;
  • Developer of information and expert systems in the following areas: economics, financial and credit, management, and marketing;
  • Economist(management, finance, accounting, business analysis, audit);
  • Head of the analytical center for processing financial and accounting information;
  • Head of the computer services division;
  • Head of a small business.

Prospects for students

  • Passage of students prкinternships at leading software development companies with subsequent employment;
  • Training in two areas of study;
  • Learning several foreign languages (at the student’s choice).

The educational process is fully supported by curricula and work programs, methodological developments, textbooks and manuals, general-purpose software and special application packages, and more than 30 disciplines of professional training are taught. Graduates will master it:

  • Skills to create new software products and customize existing ones;
  • Knowledge of designing and operating automated information systems (AIS);
  • Knowledge of creating expert systems (ES) and decision support systems (DSS) for modeling business processes;
  • Ability to develop websites for the Internet;
  • Skills in economics and e-business organization;
  • Modern software tools for information processing in various sectors of the economy (programming using programming languages, C++, HTML, Java, JavaScript, WEB-design, WEB-programming);
  • Professional competencies in business economics, finance, accounting and auditing, marketing, management, system analysis, and design in these areas of information systems (IS).

The graduate has the right to take primary management positions in departments that provide information support for the economy, mathematical modeling of economic systems, and system programming.


Silabus OK 1. Philosophy
Silabus OK 2. History and culture of Ukraine
Silabus OK 3. Foreign Language
Silabus OK 5. Ukrainian language for professional purposes
Silabus OK 6. Physical education
Silabus OK 7. Foreign language (optional)
Silabus OK 8. Spiritual formation of a specialist
Silabus OK 9. Fundamentals of creationism
Silabus OK 10. Microeconomics
Silabus OK 11. Macroeconomics
Silabus OK 13. Higher mathematics 1
Silabus OK 14. Higher mathematics 2
Silabus OK 15. Informatics 1
Silabus OK 16. Informatics 2
Silabus OK 17. Economic informatics 1
Silabus OK 18. Economic informatics 2
Silabus OK 19. Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Silabus OK 20. Statistics and econometrics
Silabus OK 21. Management
Silabus OK 22. Marketing
Silabus OK 23. Basics of the scientific research
Silabus OK 24 Economics and finance of enterprisesSilabus OK 25 Accounting 1Silabus OK 26 Accounting 2
Silabus OK 27. Accounting, analysis and audit in applied software solutions
Silabus OK 28. Riskology
Silabus OK 29. Legal basis of financial and economic activity
Silabus OK 30. Investment management
Silabus OK 31. Programming and algorithmic languages
Silabus OK 32. Intelligent data analysis
Silabus OK 33. Optimization problems, models and methods
Silabus OK 34. Technologies for designing and administering databases and data warehouses
Silabus OK 35. Economic Cybernetics
Silabus OK 37. WEB-programming
Silabus OK 38. WEB-design
Silabus OK 39. Decision support systems
Silabus OK 40. Applied methods and models of economic processes
Silabus OK 41. Information systems and technologies in the economy
Silabus OK 42. Transaction research in economics and entrepreneurship
Silabus OK 43. Design of information processing systems
Silabus OK 44. Administration of information systems and networks
Silabus OK 45. Creating your own IT business

Discussion of the project Educational program

Economic Cybernetics is one of the most interesting and prestigious majors for young people today. Economic cybernetics can be classified as a fundamental university specialty. Cybernetics is the science of managing complex economic systems using information systems and IT technologies.
By studying Economic Cybernetics, you enter the fascinating world of economics, get acquainted with the labyrinths of computer networks and advanced IT technologies. Basic education in economic cybernetics is provided by training that meets the standards of modern education. This profession has its own romance and many advantages.

  • The work of an economic cybernetics specialist is highly paid;
  • Opportunity to find a job in the capital or abroad.

The educational process is provided by experienced faculty. The scientific potential of the department allows for high-quality training of specialists in the Economic Cybernetics program, who will be able to work both in Ukraine and abroad. The department has computer rooms.

  • Strong material and technical base;
  • Modern computer equipment;
  • The department has its own page on the UGI website, which contains the necessary information for studying the department’s disciplines.

General-purpose software and special application software products were installed, including theUkrainian Accounting System UBS software, M.E.Doc software, IS-pro system, and others. The department conducts research on the topic “Information systems and technologies for managing socio-economic processes in the economy.” In doing so, the department’s staff formulate the problem and involve students in the research process, and the results are discussed and presented at scientific and practical conferences at home and abroad (including student conferences).