Admissions +38 (073) 432 54 33
Secretary of the Rector +38 (097) 818 13 37



“Management is the art of achieving goals” / Terry Gibson, businessman

Field of knowledge: 07 “Management and administration”

Educational program: 073 “Management”

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in management

Specialization: “Business Administration”

Upon graduation, graduates with a degree in “MANAGEMENT”
specialization in Business Administration can hold the following positions:

  • Head of the company;
  • Head of a production unit;
  • Anti-crisis manager;
  • Head of department / functional services;
  • HR manager;
  • Marketing Manager;
  • Sales Manager;
  • Advertising manager.

The main activities of a business administrator are: planning activities, organizing the proper implementation of management decisions in the business sphere, monitoring the implementation of tasks and evaluating the results achieved.
Business administrators collaborate with managers of HR, production, finance, accounting, marketing, and other departments.
In addition, they can interact with business partners and suppliers to coordinate activities in the process of business development.

A business administrator is: a highly qualified manager of an enterprise or its structural unit, whose logic of thinking allows:
– be extremely well versed in market relations and the market situation;
– respond to changes in market conditions in a timely manner;
– to professionally recruit and motivate staff;
– skillfully meet current demand and correctly formulate offers;
– make independent managerial decisions on the organization (restructuring) of business entities, taking into account the requirements of the present, practical prerequisites and means of control over their implementation.

The features of the curriculum are the comprehensive provision of relevant interdisciplinary knowledge, development of skills and abilities that ensure the formation of a system of general and professional competencies in the field of management and business administration.

The educational process involves interactive lectures and trainings with the participation of practitioners.

The training involves the development of teamwork, negotiation and presentation skills, as well as professional competencies during internships at leading enterprises;

The curriculum is aimed at training specialists in business process management at modern enterprises and organizations who have in-depth knowledge, are able to think creatively, make effective management decisions, have modern management tools, are able to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises of the national economy and implement standards of social responsibility of business.

The educational process is fully supported by curricula and work programs, methodological developments, textbooks and manuals, general-purpose software and special application packages, and more than 30 disciplines of professional training are taught.

The possibility of continuing education at the second (master’s) level of higher education at our educational institution UGI.


TheBusiness Administration specialization is one of the most interesting and prestigious majors for young people today.

If you have a talent for organization and your activity and dedication are hard to ignore, it is quite possible that your vocation is the profession of a business administrator.

You are entering an interesting world of business management.

Basic education is provided with training that meets the standards of modern education. This profession has many advantages.

A business administrator is: a highly qualified manager of an enterprise or its structural unit, whose logic of thinking allows:

– be extremely well versed in market relations and the market situation;

– respond to changes in market conditions in a timely manner;

– to professionally recruit and motivate staff;

skillfully meet current demand and correctly formulate offers;

make independent managerial decisions on the organization (restructuring) of business entities, taking into account the requirements of the present, practical prerequisites and means of control over their implementation.

The scientific potential of the department allows for high-quality training of specialists in the educational programManagement”, specialization “Business Administration”, who will be able to hold senior positions both in Ukraine and abroad.

The department has computer rooms.

  • Strong material and technical base.
  • Modern computer equipment.
  • The department has its own page on the UGI website, which contains the necessary information for studying the department’s disciplines.

General-purpose software and special application software products were installed, including the Ukrainian Accounting System UBS, M.E.Doc, IS-pro, and others.

The department conducts research on the topic “Information systems and technologies for managing socio-economic processes in the economy.”

In doing so, the department’s staff formulate the problem and involve students in the research process, and the results are discussed and presented at scientific and practical conferences at home and abroad (including student conferences).

Prospects for students

  • Passage of students


    at leading companies;
  • Training in two areas of study;
  • Learning several foreign languages (at the student’s choice).