
Primary education

Field of knowledge: 01 “Education”

Educational program: 013 “Primary education”

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in primary education

The uniqueness of the educational program lies in the fact that it was founded at the request of representatives of the network of Christian schools in Ukraine, which determines the increased requirements for the professional training of future graduates, who must meet not only the regulatory requirements for primary school teachers (set by the professional standard), but also realize high spiritual and moral values, a healthy lifestyle and constantly improve their professional level in their professional activities. This is achieved by integrating professional training in primary education with the moral and ethical component of professional development. The invariant and variable parts of the program are complemented by students’ research work and comprehensive practical training (during propedeutic, educational, two training practices and a full-fledged industrial pedagogical practice). In-depth study of a foreign language and physical education and recreation work with students (as part of optional classes throughout the entire period of study), as well as the diverse use of ICT in the educational process, contribute to the development of academic mobility and multifaceted personal and professional growth of students.


Silabus OK1 History and culture of Ukraine
Silabus OK2 Foreign language
Silabus OK3 Philosophy
Silabus OK4 power supply, protection, and control
Silabus OK5 Physical education
Silabus OK6 Fundamentals of creationism
Silabus OK7 Formation of a specialist’s personality
Silabus OK8 Computer Science
Silabus OK9 Fundamentals of scientific research
Silabus OK10 Anatomy and physiology of children with the basics of medical knowledge
Silabus OK11 Theoretical foundations of mathematics
Silabus OK12 Fundamentals of natural science with a workshop
Silabus OK13 Ukrainian for Specific Purposes
Silabus OK14 Fundamentals of psychology
Silabus OK15 Age and pedagogical psychology with the basics of psychodiagnostics
Silabus OK16 Introduction to the specialty with the basics of pedagogy
Silabus OK17 History of Pedagogy
Silabus OK18 Didactics
Silabus OK19 Theory and methods of education
Silabus OK20 Organization and management in primary school
Silabus OK21 Pedagogical excellence
Silabus OK22 Pedagogical technologies in primary school
Silabus OK23 Correctional pedagogy with the basics of inclusive education
Silabus OK24 Pedagogy of partnership
Silabus OK25 Methods of teaching language and literary education
Silabus OK26 Methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school
Silabus OC27 Methods of teaching mathematical education
Silabus OC28 Methods of teaching natural and civic and
Silabus OK29 Methods of teaching physical education and social and
Silabus OK30 Methods of teaching technological education
Silabus OK31 Methods of teaching computer science education
Silabus OK32 Methods of teaching artistic education
Silabus OK33 Methods of teaching the integrated course “I research”

Discussion of the project Educational program

Primary education provides the general development of the child, the ability to read confidently, to know the basics of arithmetic; acquisition of basic skills in using the book and other sources of information; formation of general ideas about the world around, mastering the norms of universal morality and personal communication, the basics of hygiene, the development of the first work skills. The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, so his work largely depends on the diversity of knowledge of the younger generation, his beliefs, worldview, moral qualities. Pedagogical activity requires a special vocation. People with a penchant and love for this business can be engaged in education and training. The teacher must love and pass on their knowledge to others, admire the very process of teaching and educating people. The success of pedagogical activity largely depends on the communicative abilities of the teacher, on his ability to establish the right relationship with children. The work of a teacher places great demands on his attention. The teacher works with the whole class and he needs to keep many students in view. He must be able to notice any changes in their behavior. Thus, observation, distribution of attention, its switching are professionally important qualities of the teacher. Pedagogical activity requires from a person and certain willpower: endurance, patience, consistency, perseverance, self-control. He is obliged to control his behavior, to control it. Language is very important in the teaching profession, which should be expressive, emotional, convincing.